Behind Alaska Tallow Co.

Hi, I'm Leah, founder of Alaska Tallow Co.
My business endeavor began as tallow-based skincare products. After a year of business, I felt pulled to expand and slowly create an online community for others to find encouragement to tap into herbalism.
I worked, and am still licensed, as a registered nurse. While completing my nursing education, holistic health began to deeply resonate with me and I studied herbalism alongside my pathophysiology and pharmacology courses. I saw incongruences within the medical field that ultimately lead me to leaving.
My husband and I have made our home in the foothills of the Chugach Mountains (Dena’ina Ełnena homeland.) We are grateful for the stewards of the Dena'ina Land and feel very blessed to be in an area of such wild abundance.
(Image by Velvet Peak photography)